person in blue denim jacket holding stainless steel bottle

Hydration During Fasting: The Ultimate Guide

Hydration is the foundation of a successful fasting journey. Whether you’re fasting to improve your health, balance hormones, or simply feel your best, staying hydrated is non-negotiable. Without proper hydration, you may face headaches, fatigue, or even difficulty focusing. This guide will show you everything you need to know about hydration during fasting – why…

Avocado and tomatoes on a counter top

Fasting for Women: A Beginner’s Guide Inspired by Fast Like a Girl

If you’ve ever been curious about fasting but felt unsure how to start, you’re not alone. Women’s bodies are unique, and traditional fasting advice doesn’t always consider how our hormones, energy, and cycles work. That’s where Dr. Mindy Pelz’s book Fast Like a Girl comes in – a guide specifically designed to help women harness…